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You can find the create functionality within the cxcli environment create subcommand. You can read the documentation about this command here.

The --flow-versions parameter is a list of flows and their versions to include in the environment, comma separated. For each flow used in this environment, it is required to add the version with this format: @flow-version. This is the full format:


An example of flows with their versions:

Default Start Flow@production_v2,Test Flow@v1.0.0


Here is a simple example of using the cxcli environment create command:

cxcli environment create my-env --flow-versions "Default Start Flow@production_v2,Test Flow@v1.0.0"  --agent-name test-agent --project-id test-cx-346408 --location-id us-central1

The above command will give you output similar to the following:

$ cxcli environment create my-env --flow-versions "Default Start Flow@production_v2,Test Flow@v1.0.0"  --agent-name test-agent --project-id test-cx-346408 --location-id us-central1
INFO Environment created with id: projects/test-cx-346408/locations/us-central1/agents/40278ea0-c0fc-4d9a-a4d4-caa68d86295f/environments/9f9cf42a-9033-4d73-9407-613d041c9403

If you want to learn more about Dialogflow CX environment creation, refer to the official documentation.