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cxcli uses various Google Cloud APIs. By default, the tool uses the default configuration that uses the gcloud cli. If you want to use another authentication key you can provide a json file with the global --credentials parameter.

The cxcli source code is open source, you can check it out here to learn more about the actions the tool performs.

Below you can find the roles and the APIs that are required to use this tool.

Roles needed

Dialogflow CX

Dialogflow API Admin: Provides full access to create, update, query, detect intent, and delete the agent from the console or API. Click here for more information.

We are using the Admin role because cxcli performs the List agent action.

This role allows you to execute Speech-to-text and Text-to-speech actions

APIs enabled needed

The following APIs should be enabled on your Google Cloud project if you want to use the respective cxcli capabilities:

Dialogflow CX

You will need to enable the Dialogflow API on your project. More information here


You will need to enable the Cloud Speech-to-Text API on your project. More information here


You will need to enable the Cloud Text-to-Speech API on your project. More information here

Generative AI on Vertex AI

You will need to enable the Vertex AI API on your project. More information here