is in active development. The core product is functioning.
Our goal with the tool is to prove that there's market fit for a solution like this, and if so, we'll invest more time in automation, user experience, more features.
For now, if you're interested in participating and giving feedback, we believe cxcli
already solves pain at this stage.
- Available in homebrew, snapcraft, apt, yum, scoop, aur package managers
- Documentation updated
- Profile NLU
- Speech-to-text and Text-to-speech actions
- Container image available for multiple architectures
- SBOM files created
- Artifacts uploaded, signed and available on GitHub
Coming soon:
- Continuous integration support (GitHub Action, CircleCI, etc.)
- Flow import and export
- Dialog from the terminal
- More Agent actions (validate)
- Pages Action (crate, update, delete)
- Test Cases actions (export, import, run, run-all)
- Changelog actions (show)
- Experiment Actions - TBD